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Monday, June 10, 2013

Glenn Beck Clips May 2013 1/4

 Sign posts and Saudis
Glenn looks at the latest information from the Saudi national and wonders how far down the road we are with Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Jihadists on welfare?
Why were the Boston Marathon bombers on welfare?

Man with AF15 commits suicide
Glenn updates the NRA audience on what happened in Houston and why he thinks the man with an AR15 fired shots before he committed suicide

 History and Firearms
Glenn reveals some amazing pieces of history

Colion Noir
One of the best pro-gun voices in the country talks about his relationships with firearms and the Second Amendment
Getting youth engaged
How do you get the youth to care about what is happening in the country?

Danger in Egypt
Glenn shows a preview of the new episode of For the Record focused on Christian persecution in Egypt

Eternal Vigilance
Why would Obama say students don't need to be worried about a tyrannical government?

The truth about Benghazi is starting to come out

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